As a freelance artist, I specialize in fantasy traditional (watercolours, inks, pens, oils) and digital painting. My artistic style is mostly inspired by fantasy masters like Brian Froud, Alan Lee, H.R. Giger, Studio Ghibli, J.G. Moebius, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hieronymus Bosch and many more.
The book "Faeries" by Brian Froud and Alan Lee played a pivotal role in my decision to pursue art, as it introduced me to old Celtic myths. I am grateful to live in Kilcoole, rooted in the same mythological tradition and have done so for over eight years. Sometimes, beyond fantasy art, my work reflects darker themes as a product of my philosophical ponderings, or ideas streaming from my subconscious mind.
My formal education included the School of Applied Arts, Zagreb, and the Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade; I completed the Painting course in both cases. I am also a VAI member (Visual Artist Ireland).